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dc.contributor.authorFADHILAH, Nurul Laili
dc.identifier.govdocKODEPRODI710101#Ilmu Hukum
dc.description.abstractHill is included in mining excavation c which price can also be seen in terms of strategic distance, land area, the height of the dune and the content stored in the gumuk. This then attracted the attention of business people in the property sector, especially in housing development. This reasoning is a concern because the amount of river sand or beach sand types are increasingly expensive and increasingly scarce, while the demand from the community (consumers in this case are businesses in the property sector) is getting higher. But on the other hand it turns out that it also gradually affects the existence and ecosystem of the gumuk as one of the factors supporting the life of the community. Because in the presence of gumuk there is a land to be used as a water catchment area. Research into the influence of property business on the sustainability of this gumuk uses the socio-legal method. This method was chosen to answer some of the problems that exist in the community for the sustainability of dams that are decreasing and degraded both physically and psychologically. The development of the property business that is synonymous with real estate, houses, land, shop houses, buildings or warehouses today is also one of the business fields that many young people follow. There is an assumption from the public that the more a person has property, the higher a person has social status.en_US
dc.publisherRiau Law Journalen_US
dc.subjectProperty Businessen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Bisnis Properti Terhadap Keberlanjutan Gumuken_US

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