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dc.contributor.authorWAHYUNI, Mia Tri
dc.description.abstractAn educational video is a teaching video that presents educational material related to the topic which is being learned. There are various kinds of educational videos, such as teachers who are speaking and recording their explanation in front of a camera, pictures, or text which is explained with a voiceover by the teacher. In online school during this pandemic, a teacher must be able to select the proper media to deliver the knowledge. It must be interesting, to the point, and understandable as the students access the material by using gadgets such as smartphones and laptops. Sending an e-book or long explanation on chat to students is not a good idea because it makes the students spend more time reading on the screen and it gives a bad impact on their eyes. That is why the researcher tried to use different media to give a different learning experience for students. In this study, I analyzed how I developed my teaching strategies using Educational Video with synchronous Whatsapp Group to carry out the online ELT during the pandemic. As Stickler and Hampel (2015) state that teachers must be able to employ pedagogical skills and utilize technological skills for the effective integration of technologies into teaching practice. Therefore, I conducted my online teaching practicum by using technologies such as Whatsapp Group and educational videos. I created my educational videos and implemented my teaching strategies based on the framework from Stickler and Hampel (2015). I wrote my reflective journals to do a reflection on my teaching strategies. The way I analyzed my data was using thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006). This study found out three themes. The first is developing technical competence. This first theme has two codes, which are introducing technology-based media and presenting interesting material. The second theme is facilitating online communication and socialization. This theme has two codes, those are facilitating a meaningful communicative interaction and creating an enjoyable learning process. The third theme is applying creativity based on my style. This last theme, also has two codes. Those are increasing students' learning motivation and building students' excitement.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDrs. Sugeng Ariyanto, M.A. (Dosen Pembimbing) Bambang Suharjito, M.Ed. (Dosen Pembimbing)en_US
dc.publisherFakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikanen_US
dc.subjectStrategies Using Educationalen_US
dc.titleDeveloping My Teaching Strategies Using Educational Video With Synchronous Whatsapp Group To Carry Out Online Elt During COVID-19 Pandemic: Self-Reflective Studyen_US

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