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dc.contributor.authorHIDAYAH, Entin
dc.contributor.authorWIDIARTI, Wiwik Yunarni
dc.contributor.authorPUTRA, Paksitya Purnama
dc.contributor.authorDEWANTIE, Anggraeni Ayu
dc.contributor.authorALHAMDA, Muhammad Zulvi
dc.contributor.authorPRASTIKA, Hanna
dc.identifier.govdocKODEPRODI1910301#Teknik Sipil
dc.description.abstractIn Indonesia, ground-based rainfall monitoring is uneven and sometimes lacks continuity especially in small watersheds, which makes hydrological modeling difficult. This paper aims to the performance evaluation of the HBV Light model from the manual measurement of rainfall (MMR), Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM3IMERGDF), and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM-3B42) as input for the hydrological model. The Hydrologiska Byrans Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) Light hydrological model is applied to three small watersheds, namely Sampean Baru, Bedadung, and Mayang. The model’s performance evaluation is assessed based on the correlation between the average rainfall data for the satellite product area and the MMR product, the stationarity of the rainfall and discharge data, and the model accuracy. The model simulation results show that the MMR rainfall in all watersheds provides a better discharge response than the other two products. Meanwhile, the simulation model of the GPM-3IMERGDF satellite product is slightly better than TRMM-3B42. The stationarity test of rainfall and discharge data needs to be enforced before modeling.en_US
dc.publisherJournal of Ecological Engineeringen_US
dc.subjectHBV light modelingen_US
dc.subjectstationarity dataen_US
dc.titleEvaluation of Hydrologic Modelling Using Satellite Product, and MMR Rainfall in East Java, Indonesiaen_US

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