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dc.contributor.authorSEFF, Syaugi
dc.contributor.authorSUSANTI, Dyah Ochtorina
dc.contributor.authorNAWWAWI, Mohamed
dc.description.abstractReligion and culture are two important elements in a society that are mutually exclusive influence. When religious teachings enter into a community that cultured, there will be tug of war between religious interests on the one hand with cultural interests on the other. Likewise with religion Islam that was revealed in the midst of Arab society that has customs and tradition by hereditary. Tradition is part from culture. The purpose of this study is to describe exploring the diversity of local traditions of Indonesian society in the Islamic law perspective. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. The approach used is an ethnographic approach, while the analysis technique is an interpretative technique based on observations, interviews, camps, and discussions such as workshops or micro seminars. The results showed that the traditions circulating in various parts of Indonesia (the archipelago) did not conflict with Islamic law or the teachings of Islam. In fact, in essence, religion as a whole, including Islam, has an inseparable relationship with tradition. Therefore, there are three categories found in this study, namely based on government policy, tradition as the foundation of the nation and the state, traditions and islamic law. The implications of this research can be used as a reference in the development of traditions in Indonesia, both based on the general legal perspective in Indonesia, customary law, and religious law (Islam).en_US
dc.publisherMulticultural Educationen_US
dc.subjectreligion and cultureen_US
dc.subjectislamic lawen_US
dc.titleExploring the Diversity of Local Traditions of Indonesian Society in the Islamic Law Perpectiveen_US

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