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dc.contributor.authorBUDIARTO, Budiarto
dc.contributor.authorSUHARSO, Pudjo
dc.contributor.authorKANTUN, Sri
dc.identifier.issnKODEPRODI0210301#Pendidikan Ekonomi
dc.description.abstractThis research was motivated by the poverty of fishing workers that occurred in Pesisir Village, Besuki District, Situbondo Regency. The uncertain income of fisherman laborers caused them into poverty. This condition requires several wives of fisherman laborers to be creative to help their husbands in fulfilling the economic needs of their families. In this study, several wives of fishing workers were found to be creative. This research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. The research location is in Pesisir Village, Besuki District, Situbondo Regency. The writing of this article uses a qualitative descriptive method. To determine the informant using the snowball technique. Data collection techniques in this study used the methode of observation and interviews conducted to informants, namely women who become fishermen laborers wives. The results of the study show that the role of wives in the family is very important. Beside being a housewife, also as a "treasurer" of the family. Creative behavior carried out by the wives of the fishing workers by making an effort in making crackers, fish paste and opening a grocery. The income from this creative behavior is able to fulfill the household needs and even pay the school fee of their children to senior high school and university degree. In addition, the wife of fisherman laborer is also motivated by the old paradigm that "a woman fate is in the kitchen" it should be able to prove that women can also be relied to fulfill their household needs. This becomes a benchmark to find out how big the role of the wife in the household. Therefore, the abilities and skills possessed must continue to be honed for a better life in the future.en_US
dc.publisherIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Scienceen_US
dc.subjectCreative behavior of fisherman wives in the pesisir Village of the District Besuki - Situbondoen_US
dc.titleCreative behavior of fisherman wives in the pesisir Village of the District Besuki - Situbondoen_US

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