The Validity And Effectivity Of Learning Using Steam Module With Biotechnology Game
SOFIA, Hilya Wildana
UTOMO, Anjar Putro
Show full item recordAbstract
Provision of teaching materials in term of module can be an alternative to meet the
learning needs of science. The study aimed at describing science module constructed
based on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) equipped
with valid and effective biotechnology games for learning science in junior high school.
This Research and Development (R&D) was developed using the 4D model
(Thiagarajan). This research was conducted at MTsN (State of Islamic Secondary
School) 2 Jember, involved 30 IX graders. The design used was one group pretestposttest design as the test of effectiveness. This study used STEAM-based science
module equipped with biotechnology games, test, and validation sheets as research
instruments. The validation results by experts were converted into categories. The
effectivity test data was analyzed using N-gain and paired samples t-test. The average of
validation results of material, media, and users was 87.17 (very valid). The effectivity test
results showed the increase of students’ cognitive learning outcome [N-gain value = 0.72
(high category), t(29) = 9.030, p < 0.05]. Therefore, the module developed is valid and
effective in improving the learning of biotechnology science which means that the use of
this module is recommended to be implemented in biotechnology learning process.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]