Respon Cendawan Entomopatogen Paecilomyces Fumosoroseus pada Kondisi Cekaman Faktor Kekeringan
HASJIM, Saifuddin
HARYADI, Nanang Tri
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The entomopathogenic fungus Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (common name: Isaria fumosorosea)
can utilize to control white fly population. Bemisia tabaci or white fly has become key pest in
soybean cultivation. It reported became resistance due to chemical pesticide. Some of new strain
has been emerge as chemical pesticide resultant However, to develop P. fumosoroseus as
biopesticide hide a problem. The environmental drought factor (temperature and water stress)
become major problem. This research aimed to determine effect of environmental factor like
temperature and water stress to growth and effectivity of P. fumosoroseus, due to selection an
isolat were persist to drought factor. In this research has been used two different isolat of P.
fumosoroseus, that is Wirowongso 1 and Mumbulsari 5 isolates. Conduct with five different
treatment. First is a growth test under temperature stress, in vitro germination test under
temperature stress and in vitro germination test under water stress, and for the last is virulence test
under temperature and under water stress. The result showed that the increase a temperature and of
water stress, directly make decreased of growth, germination and effectively. That effect has made
different effect to growth, germination and effectivity on both isolat. According to all test result
showed if the isolat WR 1 more persist to each drought factor. It became more valuable to develop
as biopesticide among other.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7355]