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dc.contributor.authorSAKINAH, Wazirotus
dc.contributor.authorSEPTININGTYAS, Dina T
dc.contributor.authorPAHLEVI, Anita D
dc.description.abstractCoastal citizen in Besuki region have a habit of throwing garbage directly into estuary and sea. To know the bad conditions that can occur in the marine environment especially in Besuki region so domestic waste mass estimation is needed. Proportional random sampling is used to determine the number of samples and measurement of domestic waste is conducted for 8 days. Measurement with SNI (Indonesia National Standard) Number 19-3964-1994 method is used. To know perceptions of coastal citizen about waste management, the distribution of questionnaires to the sample was done. The result is waste mass estimation in Besuki Coastal Region is 167.57 g/ where non-organic waste more than organic waste that has percentage 63% and 37%, respectively. From questionnaire survey, 73% citizen throw their wastes in the sea or/and the river, 27% has been burned, and 0% in landfill. Generally, 80% citizens do not have the basic knowledge about marine debris impact and 20% citizens have knowledge about marine debris impact. Their interest about selfwaste management is 33%en_US
dc.publisherMATEC Web of Conferencesen_US
dc.subjectDomestic Waste Mass Estimation and Perceptions of Coastal Citizen about Waste Management in Besuki Region, Situbondo, East Java, Indonesiaen_US
dc.titleDomestic Waste Mass Estimation and Perceptions of Coastal Citizen about Waste Management in Besuki Region, Situbondo, East Java, Indonesiaen_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI36201#Teknik Perkapalan

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