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dc.contributor.authorWIDONARKO, Widjonarko
dc.contributor.authorRAHARDI, Gamma Aditya
dc.contributor.authorAVIAN, Cries
dc.contributor.authorHADI, Widyono
dc.contributor.authorHERDIANTO, Dedy Wahyu
dc.contributor.authorSATRIO, Panji Langgeng
dc.description.abstractAs technology develops, innovation is increasingly getting significant developments, including in the area of lighting. The development of lamps for street lighting provides innovations, one of which is LED lamps. The buck converter LED Driver is an option due to its high efficiency, low cost, and small form. The problem is that the Buck Converter has a form of DC voltage that has a high ripple. The Buck Converter has an transient output voltage that appears at start up with a high overshoot. The varied source of AC is one of the problems in converter development. There is a potential for improvement in ripple and overshoot with the PWM control technique. PID is the most widely used choice considering that PID can easily adjust the Buck Converter output accuracy according to parameters. PID has a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) value of 0.8726, resulting in a setpoint difference of 4.8475% or a difference of 0.8726Ven_US
dc.publisherInternational Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)en_US
dc.subjectPI Controlleren_US
dc.subjectBuck Converteren_US
dc.titleDriver For Led Lamp With Buck Converter Controlled By Piden_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI1910201#Teknik Elektro

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