Actinide Minor Addition on Uranium Plutonium Nitride Fuel for Modular Gas Cooled Fast Reactor
SYARIFAH, Ratna Dewi
SU'UD, Zaki
BASAR, Khairul
Show full item recordAbstract
This study has made a calculation of Actinide Minor Addition on Uranium
Plutonium Nitride Fuel for Modular Gas Cooled Fast Reactor. The purpose of this study was to
determine the characteristics of minor actinides when incorporated into plutonium nitride
uranium fuel. Neutronics calculation was design by using SRAC Code version 2006 (Standard
Reactor Analysis Code) with the data nuclides from JENDL-4.0 under the Linux Operating
System with nuclear data library JENDL4.0. Neutronic calculations were done through some
steps of parameter survey to obtain the ultimate optimization results. The initial calculation
was calculation of fuel cell (PIJ calculation) by using hexagonal cell and then followed by
calculation of core reactor (CITATION calculation) by using program code SRAC2006. The
addition of minor actinide has been calculated in this research. The minor actinides which were
added were americium (Am-241 and Am-243) and neptunium 237. They were put into the
uranium plutonium nitride material to decrease the k-eff value. The addition of minor actinide
into the reactor aimed to reduce the number of minor actinides in the world. Minor actinide is a
nuclear waste fuel or often called spent nuclear fuel (SNF) which has high toxicity. Neptunium
237 is a minor actinide with the highest percentage of SNF.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]