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dc.contributor.authorROKHANI, Rokhani
dc.contributor.authorMANARFA, La Ode Rauda A.U
dc.contributor.authorAT. ALKHUDRI, AT. Alkhudri
dc.contributor.authorISHAK, Andi
dc.description.abstractThis paper is intended to explain the livelihood strategies and patterns of household decision making coconut sugar producers. The analysis is built on the basis of the theory of 5 capital or assets, there are human capital, resourches, financial, physical, and social. Decision-making in the household coconut sugar producers were analyzed with a gender analysis framework consisting of: patterns of division of labor, decision-making and benefits, the use of resources. In methodology, this research is based on a qualitative approach. From the analysis of the five capital or asset management of the household, human capital (human capital) still needs to be improved. Families and communities coconut sugar producers utilize resources of individuals and families in the fifth utilizing capital (human, resourches, physical, financial, and social) so its great resiliace in the face of environmental changes (physical and social), especially facing the demands and obligations -liability of the company. Of the division of labor and decisionmaking, gender, household palm sugar producers tend to be balanced between the roles of men (husbands) and women (wives). Not only viewed from the allocation of time, but also the use of money from the sale of sugaren_US
dc.publisherSodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaanen_US
dc.subjectlivelihood strategiesen_US
dc.subjectpatterns of decision-makingen_US
dc.subjectdomestic sugar producersen_US
dc.titleStrategi Nafkah Dan Pola Pengambilan Keputusan Rumah Tangga Pengrajin Gula Kelapa Studi DI Desa Ujung Genteng Kecamatan Ciracap Kabupaten Sukabumi Jawa Baraten_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI1510501#Agroteknologi Pertanian

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