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dc.contributor.authorRIDLO, Zainur Rasyid
dc.contributor.authorRUSDIANTO, Rusdianto
dc.contributor.authorBAHRI, Samsul
dc.contributor.authorAFAFA, Luthfin
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is mapping teacher perception on learning management system as second opinion in pandemic era. The methodology of research divided into three parts, namely preparation, action, and evaluation. The first step is preparation, include prepare to train the teacher to use CCR and android application opensourse. The second step is action, this section is most important in this research because in this section the teachers were practicing with CCR and android application within the teaching activities in online learning. After those steps, the final is evaluation, the teachers were evaluated using likert scale of the implementation of CCR and android open sourse. The result of this research is most of the teachers feel easy in accessing CCR and android opensource applicationen_US
dc.publisherPancaran Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Jemberen_US
dc.subjectAndroid Applicationen_US
dc.subjectTeacher Perceptionen_US
dc.titleTeacher Perception of Implementation Learning Management System: CCR with Android Opensourceen_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI0210102#Pendidikan Fisika

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