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dc.contributor.authorSUSBANDYA, Devin
dc.contributor.authorPRIHATIN, Jekti
dc.contributor.authorWAHYUNI, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorSUTARTO, Sutarto
dc.contributor.authorIDRAWATI, Indrawati
dc.description.abstractTextbooks are still one of the main learning media which used in the Biology learning process. Generally, students are used to using textbooks than digital versions. Basically, Biology is one of the most visual sciences, so it cannot be separated from the use of images. Biology learning is also based on the remembrance and object of Biology mostly consist about various abstract concepts including physiological processes on digestive system material. Most of these physiological processes require suitable media to visualize it. The effort to facilitate students learning process is not only by developing textbooks. However, innovation is also carried out by combining characteristics of images and processes into textbooks. Therefore, it takes a textbook based on process images about the digestive system. Process images are a series of sequential images as a whole, able to describe a particular process, interesting, easy to understand and use. In addition, textbooks based on process images also facilitate students to map information related to concepts, so it can be stored systematically in the brain. Therefore, it will also increase students' learning retention as well as one of the determinants of student learning achievement. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the use of textbooks based on process images on digestion system material to student’s retention. The data analyzed were obtained from the value of posttest and retest. Then, the values are analyzed using the Recognition method to find out the criteria of student learning retentionen_US
dc.publisherInternational Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR)en_US
dc.subjectprocess imagesen_US
dc.subjectdigestive systemen_US
dc.titleEnhancing Student’s Retention of Knowledge by Using Digestive System Textbook Based on Process Imagesen_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI0210103#Pendidikan Biologi

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