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dc.contributor.authorNOVEYANI, Adistha Eka
dc.contributor.authorMARCHIANTI, Ancah Caesarina Novi
dc.contributor.authorWULANDARI, Pipiet
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Islamic boarding school is a gathering place for students from various districts. This place is known to have many health problems, from personal hygiene to environmental health. Cleanliness of the environment and students’ room are determined by their daily habits. Lack of concern in maintaining environmental cleanliness can risk diseases, including scabies. This study aimed to determine the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of students in the Islamic boarding school area related to the incidence of scabies as a basic analysis of health cadre training. Method: This is a quantitative descriptive study. Data was collected by structured interview using questionnaire. The sample of this study was students of Nuris high school who were member of the Red Cross Youth (PMR) extracurricular. The study was conducted in October-November 2019 at Nuris Islamic boarding school Jember. Result: The results of this study showed that most respondents had good knowledge related to personal hygiene and environmental health. Also most of their attitude tend to agree on personal hygiene and environmental health activities. However, in the results of their daily behavior / habits, there are a number of things that need attention. Most (73%) students borrowed a sarong / veil from one to another, and most (57%) still occasionally borrowed clothes from their friends, some still borrowed each other's personal toiletries such as soap, toothbrushes and towels, almost half (43%) of students wore the same clothes for more than a day, almost half (47%) also did not take a bath after their activities / sports, and almost half (47%) only occasionally cleaned their beds after or about to go to bed. These habits need to be changed. Since behavior easier to be changed by the example of fellow students. Furthermore, training already conducted to PMR members who later became health cadres in order to control environmental cleanliness and reduce the incidence of scabies in Islamic boarding schools. Conclusion: Despite having quite a good knowledge and attitude, bad behavior from a number of students could be a trigger for the incidence of scabies or other skin diseases. So, after we conducted training and format the health cadres among students, we hope that dorm supervisor regularly monitors the sanitation cleanliness and santri behavioren_US
dc.subjectEnvironmental sanitationen_US
dc.subjectpersonal hygieneen_US
dc.subjectIslamic boarding houseen_US
dc.titleHygiene and Sanitation Practice: Basis for the Student Health Formationen_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI2110101#Kesehatan Masyarakat

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