Mengungkap Permasalahan Pembiayaan Sistem Bagi Hasil dan Islamisasi Teori Keagenan
This study aims to reveal the problem of the profit-sharing system and the solution
to the problem. This research uses a qualitative approach and a kasyif analysis. A
qualitative approach is used to reveal empirically to find solutions to the problem
of profit-sharing system financing. Meanwhile, the kasyif approach is used to
analyze the problems and financing solutions for the profit-sharing system based
on the perspective of Islamic law. This study uses a case of implementation of
profit-sharing systems in Islamic banking. The results of the study concluded that
it is necessary to internalize the values of sharia (Islamic sharia ethics) in agency
theory or it is necessary to reconstruct agency theory into "sharia agency theory"
so that it is more appropriate in explaining agency problems in the production
sharing system financing contract.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7355]