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dc.description.abstractXanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is one of the important diseases in rice. The key to Xoo's primary control is using disease-free or treated seeds and crop rotation. However, the relevance of using certified seeds or seedlings will be reduced if there is a combination of main pest attacks that help the entry of these pathogens into the plant, one example is the golden snail from the mollusca group. Based on several research sources, the mollusca group in marine areas is an untapped source and can be used to find new ingredients as antimicrobials. Starting from this, it can be seen that one of the important pests in rice, namely golden snails (Pomacea canaliculata), is part of the mollusca phylum which can actually be used as an antimicrobial. Given that P. canaliculata is one of the important pests in rice which is very destructive, this can be one of the advantages, namely that the pest will not return to the pest status but will also hold the status as an antimicrobial raw material used in rice plants as well. This is an innovation in itself in the field of controlling bacterial leaf blight because in addition to controlling the disease, the important pests of golden snails can be controlled. Chitosan and Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) were obtained by extracting golden snails using different techniques. A total of eight treatments were used in this study, namely negative control (KON), positive control (KKT), Chitosan (KT) with 3 concentrations, namely 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6 and Antimicrobial Peptides (AA) with 3 concentrations. 1%, 3%, 5%. The method used is the paper disc diffusion method to determine the inhibitory power of Chitosan and Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) against pathogenic bacteria. Treatments that have an effect will be further tested using the Duncan test at the level of α = 0.05. Each chitosan and AMPs treatment at each concentration showed a different level of inhibition. The highest inhibition was seen in the AMPs treatment with a concentration of 1%. It was noted that the increase in concentration was inversely related to the inhibitory power in each treatment. The conclusion from this study is that chitosan and AMPs treatment has excellent potential as environmentally friendly antibacterials with abundant raw materials as indicated by the best treatment, namely AMPs 1%. The increasing number of new research related to environmentally friendly antibacterials will be a turning point in the world of antimicrobial developmenten_US
dc.subjectenvironmentally friendlyen_US
dc.subjectgolden snailen_US
dc.titlePotensi Hama Pomacea Canaliculata Sebagai Antibakteri Terhadap Patogen Xanthomonas Oryzae PV Oryzaeen_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI1510501#Pertanian Agroteknologi

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