Transformasi Budaya Organik Sebagai Upaya Menciptakan Daya Saing Global Menuju Indonesia Baru
Organic cultural transformation in the context of development requires the
maintenance of the values that still appropriate or relevant to the development needs and leave
all the values that are no longer relevant. Therefore, the organic transformation requires three
(3) main component, that are the ideas maker, transformation leadership with some important
criteria and meaningfulform. To meet the required qualifications of human resource s in the
process of organic transformation and development success, so it is necessary efforts related
systemic creation of modern standardization of the quality of human resource (HR) which are
not only smart intellectually, but also mentally-spiritually intelligent. This HR will oversee the
nation’s next. The role of parents and families and conductive environment becomes an
important part that should be discussed by all component of the nation by sitting together
determine the strategic concept/meaningfulform and socializing and communicating to the
entire population.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7342]