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dc.contributor.authorzulham nawwaf, FAQIH
dc.contributor.authorkriswardhana, WILLY
dc.contributor.authorhasanuddin, AKHMAD
dc.description.abstractOne of the influencing factors is the side barriers in the form of vehicles in and out, crossings, and slow vehicles. The Gajahmada street section was chosen as the research location because it has two types of roads, namely 2/2 UD and 4/2 D, and on these sections congestion often occurs at peak hours due to the high activity on the side of the road in the form of many vehicles stopping, parking on the road, road crossings, non-motorized vehicles, vehicles that go in and out of the side of the road that affects traffic flow in the area. Data was collected directly in the field for traffic volume and side friction, while speed was carried out by means of a speed gun. Then perform calculations using the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI) 1997 for the calculation of traffic volume, speed, and road capacity, while for the effect of side friction on the degree of saturation using regression with the help of Microsoft Excel and statistical analysis calculations The survey results show that the high activity of the side of the road or side friction is quite influential on the level of road performance, on the 2/2 UD road type has a side friction factor of 52.8% on the degree of saturation and the result of the largest degree of saturation is 0.60 Meanwhile, the road type 4/2 D has no effect on side friction because in the field conditions the side friction is very low and the degree of saturation is only 0.24en_US
dc.publisherFTSP ITATSen_US
dc.subjectA Side barrieren_US
dc.subjectDegree of saturationen_US
dc.subjectRoad performanceen_US
dc.titlePerhitungan Kinerja Jalan Terhadap Hambatan Samping Pada Ruas Jalan Gajah Mada Kecamatan Genteng Banyuwangien_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI1910301#Teknik Sipil

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