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dc.contributor.authorNAINI, Amiyatun
dc.contributor.authorRUBIANTO, Mohamad
dc.contributor.authorLATIEF, Fourier Dzar Eljabbar
dc.contributor.authorGUNADI, Achmad
dc.contributor.authorKRISTIANA, Dewi
dc.contributor.authorHENDRIJANTINI, Nike
dc.contributor.authorSUDIANA, I Ketut
dc.description.abstractInflammation is a mechanism or reaction of the natural immune system to defend from external hazards. All foreign objects that enter the body will trigger an immune response in the form of antibodies. In Indonesia, the prevalence of diseases that involve the inflammatory process in the body is high. Freeze‑dried hydroxyapatite gypsum puger (HAGP) scaffold is a gypsum powder which is currently under development as a bone replacement material. Freeze‑dried hydroxyapatite bovine (HAB) scaffold is a bone substitute material available on the market. Objective: To analyze the inflammatory and immunogenic responses in the tissue after application of freeze‑dried HAGP scaffold compared to freeze‑dried HAB scaffold through mediators of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF‑a) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) in rats. Materials and Methods: This study used Wistar rats. HAGP group and HAB group were applied subcutaneously, settled for 7 and 14 days, then the levels of TNF‑a and IgG were measured using enzyme‑linked immunosorbent assay.en_US
dc.publisherContemporary Clinical Dentistry, Volume 11 | Issue 4en_US
dc.subjectFreeze‑dried hydroxyapatite gypsum puger scaffolden_US
dc.subjectfreeze‑dried hydroxyapatite bovine scaffolden_US
dc.titleInflammatory and Immunogenic Response of the Tissue after Application of Freeze‑Dried Hydroxyapatite Gypsum Puger Scaffold Compared to Freeze‑dried Hydroxyapatite Bovine Scaffolden_US
dc.identifier.kodeprodiKODEPRODI1610101#Kedokteran Gigi
dc.identifier.nidnNIDN 0024127001

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