The Role of Working Capital on Profitability After Tax on Automotive and Allied Products Companies in Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to know the role of working capital on
profitability through factors that affect the amount of working capital, among
others: Working capital turnover, liquidity, cash turnover, receivables
turnover, turnover Stocks, and cash versus total assets, both partially and
simultaneously. The data analysis method uses SPSS software with multiple
regression analysis, which is used to test the tested hypothesis, both partially
and simultaneously, and see the magnitude of the coefficient. Based on the
results of the study and the discussion can be concluded that partially only
the turnover of working capital and liquidity that have a significant impact on
profitability, but the direction is negative. Simultaneously, the turnover of
working capital, liquidity, cash turnover, receivables turnover, inventory
turnover, and cash versus total assets affects profitability, but the effect is
relatively small which is only 19.4%.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7342]