Analysis of PDAM Performance in East Java Before and After Debt Restructuring
This study aims to analyze the process of restructuring in PDAM. This
research was conducted at PDAM in East Java. The population and samples used
in this study amount to 38 PDAM in East Java.Data collection techniques using
secondary data in the form of financial performance reports. The analytical method
used is the analysis of financial statements and discriminant analysis.
The results show that the variables of each group have a significant
difference. The o ne of the real impacts of the size of the debt rate is the magnitude
of the interest rate that burdens the operational of the PDAM. The greater the debt,
the greater the interest rate (including the principal of the debt) to be paid. Interest
expense will be a problem and hamper the performance of PDAM, both financial
and operational performance, if the proportion to total operational cost is quite large
compared to the proportion of other operational costs. Conditions on PDAMs in
East Java. The direct cost of PDAM business is also a burden because the numbers
are very large. Together with the high interest expense, this condition further
exacerbates the financial performance of PDAM in East Java Province prior to debt
restructuring, especially on the aspect of profitability. The low efficiency of
production where the average production efficiency is 64.47% and even decreased
to 62.70% after the restructuring. Debt and interest expense for each cubic meter of
clean water produced also shows that PDAMs in East Java Province have to bear
the burden of debt and interest costs per cubic meter are much higher. All
operational costs must ultimately be charged to the consumer, then the debt and
interest expense per cubic meter also automatically becomes the burden of the
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]