Penentuan Kadar Sukrosa dalam Cairan Tebu Melalui Pengukuran Sudut Angular Dispersi (Determination of Sucrose Content in Sugarcane Liquids Through Angular Dispersion Angle Measurement)
In the sugar industry, it is important to measure the sucrose content of sugar cane so that an
electronic system is needed for measurement. The system was employed an array photodiode as a
sensor, red and green laser, operational amplifiers
), an analog to digital converter from
Arduino, and a computer. The main operation of the measurement system was conducted by the
sensor and controller system in the computer. The controller was programmed with Basic
program, a program that suitable for the device. The signal from array photodiode sensor is send to
signal processing unit
) and converted to digital signal by ADC. Then the digital code is
countered by controller and displayed by monitor computer.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]