Eberhard-Russel Test of Stability of Several Genotypes Segregation in Five Soybeans at Centra East of Java
oybean is an important plant because of its role as a source of vegetable protein.
Candidates for new superior varieties G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5, UNEJ-1 and UNEJ-2 have a yield
potential of ton 2.5 tons/ha and are of early maturity (<76 days) and has resistance to the main
disease of soybeans, leaf rust disease.The study was conducted in April to November 2018 in five
soybean centers in East Java, namely the experimental plant Research Institute for beans and tubers
in Genteng, Muneng, Ngale, Kendalpayak, andPoliteknik Negeri Jember.The experimental design
used for each location was a randomized block design with ten genotypes with three replications.
The size of each plot of the experiment is 2.8 m x 4.5 m. The distance between rows is 40 cm and
inside the rows are 15 cm. Each hole is filled with three seeds, and after growing two healthy plants
are left behind. Next is the stability of the Eberhart and Russel method.The results of the analysis
for seed weight per ha are as follows, for genotypes G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4 and G-5 and UNEJ-1 are
stable in five locations, while UNEJ-2, Malabar and Ringgit apparently unstable.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]