Hubungan Pemakaian Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) Dengan Gangguan Integritas Kulit Pada Petani Di Wilayah Puskesmas Tempurejo Kabupaten Jember
Farming sector is the most dangerous activities for farmer health and can made
some disaster. That disaster is skin integrity disruption. Occupational skin disease is a
skin disease caused by exposure to chemical substances in the workplace
environment. This study aimed to analyze relationship between personal
protective equipment (PPE) with impaired skin integrity to farmers in tempurejo
health center jember. This study was a crossectional study with 93 respodent
obtained by cluster sampling. Data was gathered use two clues. Data analyzed by
using chi square with 95% CI. The result had relationship between use of
personal protective equipment (ppe) with skin integrity disorder at farmers in the
work area of Public Health Center Tempurejo Jember regency shows the value of
(α <0.05), From the statistical test Chi Square obtained p value = <0.001 (α
<0.05). Therefore use of personal protective equipment (PPE) could be used for
college student for new knowledge or in social community.
- UT-Faculty of Nursing [1554]