The Effect Of Change Management And Managerial Skill To Employee Motivation
acing competitive competition, external and internal challenges, encouraging companies to make change management, both struc tural
change, technological change and people change. The success of management change will be seen in increasing employee motivation in work. A
manager must have managerial skills and technical skill in order to determine the right policies and strategies. Managerial skills will be able to convince
motivated employees to participate in realizing the company' s goals. The population of this research is employees in timber companies in Jombang. The
sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling, with the criteria of education, working period, time, and division of work, obtained 138 respondents.
Data analysis used multiple regression analysis. The result of data analysis proves that there is influence of management cha nge to employee
motivation. While managerial skills have no effect on employee motivation. The results of this study also proves that management changes and
managerial skills jointly affect employee motivation.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]