Potential And Problems Of Small And Large Scale Processed Coffee Businesses In Jember Regency
This research aims to know and identify the potential map of the small and large
scale processed coffee businesses in Jember regency. Moreover, the research aims
to know and analyze the fundamental problems faced by the processed coffee
business in Jember regency. Finally, it aims to know the underlying reason and
possible alternative solution. The research uses a comparative descriptive analysis.
Information is collected through in-depth interview from key informants. The
potential of communit y-based coffee in Jember regency is very ideal because of
its topography, soil and weather are suitable for coffee cultivation. This has been
proven since the Dutch East Indies colonialization. The best coffee producer in
Jember regency is produced in Sidomulyo village. The large scale processed
coffee is managed by PTPN XII. The main problems faced by the processed
coffee business in Sidomulyo are the low quality of human resources, the limited
funds for the community-based coffee operations, and the limited coffee
processing machinery. Meanwhile, the problem faced by the PTPN XII large scale
processed coffee business is its upstream industry of ground coffee powder. This
is due to the limited marketing in self-owned outlets such as the Gumitir café and
the café in Gajah Mada street.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]