Diffusion of “Lelang System” and Farmer Choice on Irrigation Water Management Model
In Indonesia irrigation water management in tertially canal is otonomusly organized by water
usage assosicition (WUA). The management varies among areas and periods. In Klambu
Wilalung irrigation area last four decades some WUAs has experienced some managements
change, that are ulu-ulu system within 1980s, dharma tirta system within 1990s, “P3Aswakelola
system” in 1990s-now, and recently “P3A-lelang system” that has first time being
apllied since 2005. Nowdays the two latter systems are most applied systems in the area.
The lelang system means WUA as water supplier has to provide some budget in advance in
order to get a right in water management. This might have more benefit to farmer. However,
the spreading of lelang system in the area is still unidentified. The aims of the research are (1)
to know the spreading of the “lelang system” (2) to understand main factor of farmer choice
in water management system, (3) to know correlation of area, contract period, and
productivity to value of lelang. This research is conducted by cencus to 34 WUA in Klambu
Wilalung irrigation area, Kedung Ombo dam, Central Java. This data is analysed by descriptive
quantitaive method by Pearson corellation. The results show that from the WUA 67% is
apllying lelang system and the rest applying swakelola system. The main reason applying
lelang system is the budget availability to establish agriculture infrastructure (including
irrigation infrastructure) in the initial period of geverning WUA. Then, reason applying
swakelola system is the system accentuate working together (gotong royong) in managing
irrigation water. Furthermore, area has positive and significant correllation to value of lelang,
while contract duration and productivity don’t have correlation to value of lelang. This
research also find that some WUAs that applied contract system change to swakelola system.
This research conclude that farmer choice to water irrigation system is depend on good
governance of WUA.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1876]