Mekanisme Re-epitelisasi Luka Soket Pasca Pencabutan Gigi (Re-epithelialization Mechanism of Post Tooth Extraction Socket)
Ali, Maqdisi Firdaus
Shita, Amandia Dewi Permana
Hikmah, Nuzulul
Show full item recordAbstract
Tooth extraction is one of the most frequent treatments performed by dentists. The negative
impact of tooth extraction is the destruction of periodontal tissue and blood vessels surroundi ng the
teeth. It can trigger the body's response for wound healing process. One of the important stages in the
wound healing process is re-epitheli alization. It i s one of the parameters to measure the wound
healing accomplishment. Epithelial function Presents as the first barrier to protect the body from the
environment. Therefore, re-epithelialization after injury becomes an important process for restoring
barrier function, which is keratinocytes play an i mportant role in this process. Keratinocytes, other
cytoki nes and growth factor move towards the wound area to do the repair process so that new
epithelial is formed. By studyi ng components and factors involved in re-epithelialization is expected to
know more about the mechanisms of wound re-epithelialization after tooth extraction.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]