The Robusta Coffee Grounds Residues to Adsorb the Heavy Metal Lead (PB) in The Water
Lead (Pb) were toxic. Lead found in pipes, batt eries, paint , dyes ceramic glaze,
gaso line, and final wast e disposal. The robust a coffee grouds residues had high carbon,
nit rogen et c which can adsorb heavy met al.The purpose of t his st udy is to analyze t he robust a
coffee grounds residues to adsorb t he Pb in t he wat er. The met hod of t his research is a True
Exper iment al using complet ely rando mized design (CRD) met hod. There were control groups
(C) and t hree treat ment s groups (T1; T2;T3; 5gram/ lit re; 8gram/ lit re; 10gram/ lit re) wit h six
repet it ions. The robust a coffee ground residues were cont acted for 2 hours.Tot al samples were
24 samples which analyzed each paramet er of t he Pb wit h Atomic Adsorpt ion Spectophotomet r y
Analysis. The result s showed that t he more coffee ground residues t hat are exposed, increasingly
t urbid. The KS test showed t hat dat a were a normal dist ribut ion (sig=0, 324). One way ANOVA
t est ; Turkey post Hoc showed t hat t here was sig difference bet ween t he cont rol and t reat ment
(F=4, 326, Sig= 0, 017). There were sig difference bet ween cont rol and t reat ment 2 and 3
(Sig=0, 019; Sig=0, 038). Robust a coffee grounds residues can reuse to adsorb t he Pb pollut ion
in t he wat er. It can be a so lut ion for t reat ing t he lead pollut ion in t he wat er because of it easy t o
t he applicat ion.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7355]