Tunneling effect on double potential barriers GaAs and PbS
Prastowo, Sri Handono Budi
Supriadi, Bambang
Ridlo, Zainur Rasyid
Prihandono, Trapsilo
Show full item recordAbstract
A simple model of transport phenomenon tunnelling effect through double barrier
structure was developed.In this research we concentrate on the variation of electron energy which
entering double potential barriers to transmission coefficient. The barriers using semiconductor
materials GaAs (Galium Arsenide) with band-gap energy 1.424 eV, distance of lattice 0.565 nm,
and PbS (Lead Sulphide) with band gap energy 0.41 eV distance of lattice is 18 nm. The
Analysisof tunnelling effect on double potentials GaAs and PbS using Schrodinger’s equation,
continuity, and matrix propagation to get transmission coefficient. The maximum energy of
electron that we use is 1.0 eV, and observable from 0.0025 eV- 1.0 eV.The shows the highest
transmission coefficient is0.9982 from electron energy 0.5123eV means electron can pass the
barriers with probability 99.82%. Semiconductor from materials GaAs and PbS is one of selected
material to design semiconductor device because of transmission coefficient directly
proportional to bias the voltage of semiconductor device. Application of the theoretical analysis
of resonant tunnelling effect on double barriers was used to design and develop new structure
and combination of materials for semiconductor device (diode, transistor, and integrated circuit).
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]