Recognize and Anticipate User Resistance to The Implementation of Health Information Systems
Nugroho, Heru Santoso Wahito
Sugito, Bambang Hadi
Haksama, Setya
Yani, Ristya Widi Endah
Prayitno, Hadi
Sillehu, Sahrir
Handoyo, Handoyo
Koesmantoro, Hery
Suparji, Suparji
Sumasto, Hery
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In the current global era, most health information systems have been implemented
with the support of information and communication technology. This has an
impact on the enforcement of dual duties for health professionals as health
workers and as operators of health information systems. This 'new task addition'
will lead to increased efforts to be able to operate the information system
properly. For some health professionals, this will feel burdensome, which can
ultimately lead to user resistance, either actively or passively. Both types of
resistance must be given serious attention because it often leads to failure in the
implementation of new information systems. If not properly anticipated, then this
will grow worse. In order for this to be prevented, the effort that must be done by
the organization is always to improve and maintain organizational support for the
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]