The impact of Using Autentic Materials on The Eleventh Grade Students’ Listening Comprehension Achievement
This experimental research was intended to know whether or not there was
a significant impact of using Authentic Materials on the eleventh grade students’
listening comprehension achievement. This research started with conducting
interview with the English teacher of the eleventh grade on August, 7 2017. Based
on the preliminary study, it was found that the English teacher never provided
Authentic Materials in teaching listening. Listening was taught intergratedly with
other skills such as reading, writing, and speaking. The activity in teaching
listening was done by asking the students to answer the questions while the
teacher dictating the students.
It is a good way to use Authentic Materials in teaching listening because
of some advantages in teaching learning process. For instances, first to help the
student exposed to real discourse, as in videos of interviewers with famous people
where intermediate students listen for gist. Authentic materials provide exposure
to real language. The second authentic materials have a positive effect on learners’
motivation. In other words, Students will be motivated to know further about how
the native speakers use the real language. And the third authentic materials also
contain interesting topic to the students.
The respondent of this research were eleventh grade students of SMA
Muhammadiyah 3 Jember. The researcher did not applied homogeneity test but
she used English scores from teacher to determine experimental class and the
control class. Based on the result of ANOVA analysis of score from teacher, it
was know that the result was homogenous. So, Class XI IPA 1 was determined as
the experimental group and class XI IPA 3 as the control group based on lottery.
Based on the result of data analysis of independent sample t-test
computing system, it was found that in t-test column, the value of significant (2-
tailed) was 0,004. Thus, it could be concluded that there was a significant impact
of Authentic Materials on the eleventh grade students’ listening comprehension
achievement at SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Jember. Based on the result, the English
teacher is suggested to use Authentic Materials in teaching English especially in
teaching listening to improve the students’ listening achievement.