Community Self Survey as Effort Empowerment of Community in Program of Preparedness Disaster in Community Base on Agricultural Nursing
Factor allotment of farm in District of Panti show the existence of unrelated of using
of farm either in covert area, covering protected forest, plantation forest reserve areal and farm
property of society having ramp above 40%, and also conducting area cover plantation areal,
production forest, and farm property of society. While evaluated from social factor that is still lower
him mount awareness of society in exploiting farm according to land;ground conservation method,
understandinq of exploiting of covert area at river border and also the continuation of environment.
this matter will affect at the happening of landslide and floods in plantation area. Role of society
District of Panti in solving of the problem of landslide and floods very needed to to prevent the disaster do not recurred again. Aim: to identify aspect enableness of society in the effort kesiapsiagaan
of disaster in community through community self survey in District of Panti base on nursing
agricultural. Method: This research is conducted with approach qualitative with descriptive
fenomenologi desain through community self survey during november 2012 Countryside of Suci
and Countryside of Panti. Activity of survey. through Focus Group Discusion (FGD) among 6 elite
figure in diging value and meaning form enableness of society in program preparedness of disaster
in plantation region. Gathered to be data to be analysed with method of Collaizi. Result: Result of
community self survei which conducted among elite figure dug by three fundamental theme of form
enableness of society in disaster program in plantation region, that is prevention of primary, preventive
of secunder, and tertiary prevention. Prevention of primary depicted in identifying factor possibility of
disaster in plantation area, and reboisation of reboisasi area settlement of plantation, identify
topography and situation of agriculture of cultural social of behavior of plantation society, and
cartography of disaster. Preventive of secunder depicted in identifying team and personel of disaster,
skilled activity base in help of disaster, and elementary sanitasi of society plantation of disaster
moment happened. Tertiary prevention depicted in psychological service and anticipation and cure
phase socially, economics, and health at plantation society. Conclusion: In the effort minimalizing
affect floods, specially lessen and save floods victim, needed by the way of clear handling to increase
attitude listen carefully and allert floods, so that need an identifying and analysis and also compilation
an designing model service of special disaster management to plantation society pursuant to
approach of nursing agricultural.
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1876]