The Effect of Ketapang Leaf Extracts (Terminalia catappa L.) on the Cholesterol Levels of Male Mice (Mus musculus L.) Hypercholesterolmia
Cholesterol is a useful substance for the body
to regulate chemical processes such as building cell
membranes, producing vitamin D, and forming steroid
hormones. Hyper-cholesterol is a condition where
cholesterol levels increase over the normal range (>200
mg/dL). One of the herbs which can be used as a
cholesterol-lowering substance is Ketapang leaf. The leaf
has several compounds which function as antioxidants.
Based on Phytochemical test, this leaf contains flavonoid,
saponin, tritepen, diterpen, phenolic, and tannin. Those
compounds function to inhibit cell damage. This study was
aimed to determine the effect of Ketapang leaf extracts
(Terminalia catapa L.) to decrease cholesterol levels of
hypercholesterolemia of male mice (Mus musculus) which
are induced with lard. The study employed experimental
design involving 25 male mice, aged at 2 monthsold and
weighing 20-30 grams. These mice were divided into 5
groups, comprising of treatment 1 (2 mg/ 20 grams of
weight), treatment 2 (4 mg/ 20 grams of weight), treatment
3 (8mg/ 20 grams of weight), positive control (simvastatin
0,26 mg/kg of weight), and negative control (CMC Na
1%). The extract was given for 14 days with 1% volume of
weight. The measurement of blood cholesterol levels was
done on day 8 as the preliminary data, day 14 after
hypercholesterolemia of male mice, day 21 and day 28
after giving Ketapang leaf extracts. The dosage of
Ketapang leaves extracts which was given during the
treatments significantly affected (p=0,0043) the average of
blood cholesterol levels of male mice. Giving the leaf
extracts for two months of treatments was found successful
in decreasing blood cholesterol 157,62 ± 17,54; 341,55 ±
12,73; 196 ± 16,32; 196,17 ± 16,93 mg/dL.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]