The Effect of Taxpayers Willingness and Banking Companies Financial Performances on Taxpayers Compliance Behavior Mediated by Optimal Tax Reporting (A Study from the Taxpayers of Banking Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period of 2013-2015)
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of taxpayers willingness and financial performances of the
banking companies on compliance behavior of corporate taxpayers mediated by optimal tax reporting, by referring
to stakeholder theory, cognitive behavior theory, ability to pay theory, willingness to pay theory, and performance
benchmarking method. The population was 42 active banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
during the period of 2013-2015. A total of 33 samples of the banking companies was collected using the purposive
sampling method. The analysis method used was Partial Least Square (PLS). Data were collected by using the
technique of documentation taken from the audited banking companies' financial statements of 2013-2015 and
from the summary of financial statement listed on the Indonesian Capital Market Directory. The results of the
study found a significant effect that the optimal tax reporting mediated the effect of taxpayers willingness and
banking companies’ financial performance on the compliance behavior of the corporate taxpayers (extending the
theory of willingness to pay). But, the financial performances of the banking companies did not have a significant
effect on the compliance behavior of the corporate taxpayers (rejecting the theory of ability to pay).
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7359]