This classroom action research was intended to increase the eighth year
students’ reading comprehension achievement at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Kalisat
Jember. Based on the preliminary study conducted in SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Kalisat
by doing an informal interview with the English teacher, it was revealed that the
eighth year students still could not achieve the target score of English yet. The
standard requirement score was 65. This should be achieved by at least 70% or 22
students. In fact, there were only 45.1% or 14 students who got the standard required
To solve the problems, a classroom action research with cycle model was
conducted collaboratively with the English teacher. It was conducted in two cycles in
which each cycle covered four stages included planning the action, implementation of
the action, classroom observation and evaluation, and data analysis and reflection of
the action. The technique applied in this research was Numbered Heads Together
This research was considered successful if at least 70% of the students got the
≥65 and 70% of them actively involved in the teaching and learning process of
reading comprehension by using Numbered Heads Together. However, based on the
results of the observation and the reading test, the actions in the Cycle 1 failed to
achieve the target requirement. There were 60.86% who were actively involved in
teaching reading process. This meant that the students’ active participation had not
achieved the target requirement, that was 70% of the students who actively involved.
Meanwhile, the result of reading test showed that there were 15 0f 23 students or
65.22% of the students who could achieve the targeted score that was ≥65. This
meant that the result of reading test in Cycle 1 had not reached the target requirement
of at least 70% of the students got score
In Cycle 2, there were some revisions of lesson plan in Cycle 1. It was
intended to increase the students’ active participation during the teaching and learning
process of writing and the students’ reading score. The students were given more time
in the teaching reading process on the stage reading text and put the students’ head
together in discussing the answer. They were also a changing time allocation for the
test that was 60 minutes for the students in doing reading test. From the result of
observation in Cycle 2, it was found that there were 73.91% of the students who were
actively involved in the first meeting. This meant that the target requirement of active
participation had been achieved, that was at least 70% of the students were actively
involved. Meanwhile, the result of reading test in Cycle 2 showed that there were 17
students or 73.91% of the students got score
≥65. This meant that the students had
achieved the target requirement that was at least 70% of the students got score ≥65.
Based on the result above, it could be concluded that the use of Numbered
Heads Together (NHT) could improve the students’ reading comprehension
achievement at SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Kalisat Jember in the 2011/2012 academic
year. Then, it was suggested to the English teacher to teach reading by using
Numbered Heads Together (NHT) to enhance the result of the English teaching and
learning process.