Middle Class Priyayi : Dillema in the Crossroad of Cultural Changes (Case Study of Lifestyle Changes Midle Class of Priyayi in Yogyakarta)
Suharso, Pudjo
Wasino, Wasino
Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih DW
Wahyono, Sugeng B
Show full item recordAbstract
Cultural history and lifestyle of the middle class priyayis(royal family)Jogyakarta has been reviewed
by many experts in accordance with the times, ranging from culture and lifestyle of aristocracy in the Dutch
era, the era of independence up to the culture and lifestyle of the middle class priyayis at this time. Change the
culture and lifestyle of the middle class priyayis, according to Sutherland (1975), Kartodirdjo (1985), Kayam
(1989), Kuntowidjoyo (1990), Woworuntu (2010) and \XTasino(2014) occurred because the middle class priyayis
is not only associated with genetic or ascribe but also because of the achievements as well as the function of
the presence of the priyayis in the governance of public life. This paper aims to examine changes in the culture
and lifestyle of the modern middle class priyayis today. The research method used is phenomenological approach.
Data were collected through interviews, participant observation and documentation. The result is a culture
and lifestyle of the middle class priyayis in Yogyakarta no longer rooted in the philosophy of Java, but it has
been mixed (blended) with pragmatic value. Some of its middle class priyayis no longer look at a lifestyle
rooted in "Mesu bucli" or emphasis on the value of virtue, but rather refers to the values of modernity.
However, there is still a mostly middle class priyayis who still holds the values of Javanese philosophy, though
not completely. In this case middle class priyayis facing a serious dilemma, is in the crossroad of cultural
change between Javanese culture and modernity. These lifestyle changes happened because of his education,
open access to information and internal fragility value priyayis clifficult to sustain.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]