THE USE OF POLITENESS PRINCIPLE MAXIMS IN PUTRA NABABAN'S INTERVIEW WITH BARACK OBAMA ON MARCH 22ND, 2010 (Penggunaan Maksim-maksim Prinsip Kesopanan dalam Wawancara Nababan dengan Barack Obama pada tanggal 22 Maret 2010)
This article discusses the maxims of politeness principles and the pragmatic scales. It is found in the interview between Putra Nababan and Barack Obama on March 22nd, 2010. The purpose of this study is to determine how far the maxims of politeness principles and the pragmatic scales affect Nababan and Obama utterances. The data are taken from the utterances of both participants. It is collected by understanding and taking a note the utterances in the interview. This study analyzes the context of situation in the interview. It also analyzes the maxims and pragmatics scales to know the purpose of using politeness principles. This analysis uses Leech's politeness principle maxims (1983) and Searle's speech acts (1969) theories. Mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative methods) are also used in this analysis. From the analysis, there are 31 of 115 utterances in the interview. It can be concluded that politeness principles and pragmatic scales also have a role in the interview. This is because they maintain the polite attitudes and polite utterances to keep the harmonious relations between the two countries. This interpretation shows that politeness is very important to maintain the social balance and the friendliness of the relationship between Nababan and Obama.
- SRA-Humanities [343]