Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Bortrytis L.) plant is one of vegetable
commodities that have commercial value and high prospects. The need of
vegetables nowadays increases higher and higher in line with public awareness of
health. At this time many cauliflower farmers use chemical fertilizers excessively,
so this gives negative impacts on the condition of agricultural land. Such
conditions, if done continuously, can damage the environment, so it needs
solutions by the use of non-chemical fertilizer, one of which is applying the use of
liquid organic fertilizer. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an experiment to
answer the existing problems, through the research on the effect of liquid organic
fertilizer on three varieties of cauliflower. Giving liquid organic fertilizer is
expected to produce inorganic chemicals residue-free cauliflower.
This experiment aimed to evaluate the response of 3 varieties of
cauliflower to liquid organic fertilizer and to determine the effect of concentration
of liquid organic fertilizer and the interaction of liquid organic fertilizer
concentrations with three varieties of cauliflower on growth, yields and quality of
cauliflower. The experiment was conducted at Experimental Land owned by the
University of Jember in the area of Agrotekno Park Jubung in May until complete.
This experiment used factorial randomized block design (3 x 4) with three
replications. The first factor was the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer
which consisted of 0 ml/l of water (K0), 5 ml/l of water (K1), 10 ml/l of water
(K2) and 15 ml/l of water (K3). The second factor was varieties of cauliflower
which consisted of Snow White variety (V1), Cauliflower variety (V2) and Profita
variety (V3). Data resulted from the experiment were analyzed by analysis of
variance, followed by Duncan's multiple range test with 5% level if there was a
significant effect.
The results of experiment showed that the interaction between
concentration of liquid organic fertilizer and varieties of cauliflower increased
growth, yields and quality of cauliflower, with a combined treatment of liquid
organic fertilizer, and the concentration of 10 ml/l of water on cauliflower
varieties (K3V2) was the best combination for flower diameter, and liquid organic
fertilizer concentration of 15 ml/l of water on Profita variety (K3V3) was the best
combination for flower weight. The concentration of liquid organic fertilizer
increased growth, yields and quality of cauliflower with a concentration of 15 ml/l
of water as the best concentration. Type of varieties had response to growth,
yields and quality of cauliflower with best response generated by Profita variety.
- UT-Faculty of Agriculture [4324]