This research is a classroom action research that was conducted by using
guessing game as a technique to improve the students’ vocabulary achievement
and their participation of SMPN 1 Arjasa 2013/2014 Academic Year. Based on
the preliminary study while interviewing the English teacher, it was known that
class VII B students faced difficulties in mastering vocabulary. It was proved by
the fact that class VIIB had the lowest mean score in English. Especially in
learning vocabulary integrativeley with reading that was 57. Thiis score was
below the school English standard score that was 71. Besides, they also had
problems dealing with their participation in joining the class. One of the reason
was because the English teacher did not use any media or techniques in teaching
vocabulary. Thus, the students were not enthusiastic in joining the class activities
because the activities were dominated by the teacher. Considering the problemas
above, this research was undertaken to overcome the students’ problems by using
guessing game as a teaching technique.
This research was done collaboratively with the Seventh Grade English
teacher of SMPN 1 Arjasa. The action was carried out in two Cycles. Each Cycle
was carried out in three meetings including the vocabulary test. The actions were
categorized as successful if 75% of the students fulfill at least three indicators and
75% of the students achieved the standard score that was 71, after implementing
the action that was taught vocabulary by using guessing game, t he result of
students’ active participation in the first meeting of Cycle 1 that was 41.935% or
13 students who were active and 19 students or 61.290% of the students who were
categorized as active students. It was known that there was an improvement of the
students’ active participation in the first and the second meeting but it had not
achieved the target criteria of success that was 75%. In addition, the average result
of the students’ vocabulary test in the first Cycle was 71.129 or 54.838% of the
students who achieved the target mean score that was 71. The result showed that
the vocabulary test did not achieve the standard score that was 71. Therefore, it
was necessary to conduct the second Cycle.
In the second Cycle, all activities of the teaching learning process were the
same as those done in the first cycle, but some revisions were done based on the
result of reflection of cycle one. The result of the students’ active participation in
the first meeting was 77.419% or 24 students who fulfilled more than three
indicators and 25 students or 80.645% of the students who could fulfil at least
three indicators performed in meeting 2 and the average result of the students’
active participation in cycle 2 was 79.032 % while, the result of the students’
vocabulary test in Cycle 2 was 77.419% or 24 students who achieved the standard
score that was 71. It means that the results of the action in Cycle 2 could achieve
the criteria of success that was 75%. In conclusion, the use of Guessing Game as a
technique could improve the students’ vocabulary achievement and their active
participation in the teaching learning process at SMPN 1 Arjasa in 2013/2014
Academic Year.