Kualitas Pelayanan Pubik Dalam Pembuatan e-KTP Pada Kecamatan Suboh Kabupaten Situbondo
The making of e-KTP (electronic Citizen ID) card is a form of public service. Services in making e-KTP in various
regions in Indonesia have different qualities. This occurs because of different equity and development in each region
in Indonesia. This research was aimed to gain accurate information and complete, factual profile of the quality of
public services in making e- KTP in District of Suboh, Situbondo Regency. This research is descriptive-quantitative.
Data were obtained from observation, interviews and questionnaires. The data obtained were analyzed using
percentage data analysis technique which was further analyzed using score ServQual. The research results showed
that e- KTP making service in District of Suboh was not good as indicated by negative ServQual scores for
dimensions of direct evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy.
- SRA-Social And Politic [333]