The Effect of Using Flashcards on The English Vocabulary Achievement of the Seventh Grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Wuluhan
The Effect of Using Flashcards on The English Vocabulary Achievement of the
Seventh Grade students at SMP Negeri 1 Wuluhan; Nanik Hariyani,
060210491085 ; 2011: 37 Pages; English Education Study Program, Language
and Arts Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Jember
Vocabulary is one of the language components that play an important role in
the process of learning English. Tarigan (1989:2) states that the richer someone
masters vocabulary, the bigger chance to master the language. It means that the
quality of someone‘s language skill depends on his quality and quantity of vocabulary
they have. In learning vocabulary, many students have difficulty in memorizing the
meaning of the word. Because of that reason, the teacher needs to use media that can
help the students in understanding the meaning of vocabulary easily.
To solve the problem above, the researcher used flashcards as media to help
the students memorize and understand the meaning of new vocabulary. The
researcher used media because it is not only reduced the students’ boredom but also
could motivate the students in learning. Arsyad (2006:120) states that the importance
of using flashcards is to enable the teachers in giving such efficient and interesting
way of vocabulary teaching. This means that media can be very useful and
meaningful in language learning process.
The purpose of this research was to know whether or not there is a
significant effect of using flsahcards on grade seven students’ vocabulary
achievement at SMPN 1 Wuluhan. The research design was quasy experiment. It was
begun from conducting homogenity test, deciding the experimental group and control
group, giving treatment to the experimental group, giving the same posttest to the
both classes, and the last was analyzing the result of the posttest by using t-test
formula. The area of this research was SMPN 1 Wuluhan. It was chosen because
flashcards had never been used by the English teacher in teaching English especially
for teaching vocabulary. Based on the result of the homogeneity test, class VII C and
class VII D were chosen as experimental group and control group.
The result of this research showed that there was a significant effect of using
flashcards on grade seven students’ vocabulary achievement. It was proven by the
result of t-statistic value was 2.86 and t-table value with significant level of 5% was
2.000. It means that the t-statistic value was higher than t-table value. It could be
understood that there is a significant effect of using flashcards on the English
vocabulary achievement of the seventh grade students at SMPN 2 Wuluhan. So that,
it is suggested that the English teacher uses flashcards as a teaching media to teach
vocabulary and use various media to teach English subject especially vocabulary