Reaksi Pasar Saat Publikasi Laporan Keuangan Terhadap Harga Saham Perusahaan-Perusahaan Jakarta Islamic Index; Shandy Yuniar Suryono, 070 810 291 117
This study sought to assess whether there is a difference between the market reaction
before and after the publication of financial statements stock companiesincorporated
in the shares of Jakarta Islamic Index January-June 2011, with ten days of
observation time. By using descriptive analysis techniques and statistical analysis in
this study suggests that investors do not rush to conclusions to
the earnings information, orinvestors may have other considerations or the
assumption of an increase or decrease the amount of the profits from
the companies so that investors are not ignoring the movement of information such
profits. The announcement of financial statements in which there isinformation of
profit, not too strong to influence investors to change their investment in
thestock market so that prices are relatively stable so it does not allow for
investors to earnprofits that are not normal or abnormal return. In this case
the investor is not able to use the information contained in financial statementsto get
the abnormal return, means the market is efficient. Today the technology is
advancing so that important information can be easily distributed symmetrically to
the investors that they automatically quickly and jointly respond to his investments,
so investorswill be very difficult to get the abnormal return of investment