HUBUNGAN ANTARA PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP DENGAN PRAKTIK SAFETY RIDING (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Universitas Jember Angkatan 2009 dan 2010)
The highway is a public space that is used by various people with different
characters. As a public space, of road users can not be monopolized by a handful of
people. All users must be mutual respect and shared use of jaln highway, the use of
road for private purposes should be with the permission of the relevant parties.
Seeing the fact, it is important for the riders to implement safety riding on the road.
The essence of safety riding is safety, the safety of themselves and other road users.
This study is an observational analytic studies in which researchers tested the
hypothesis that occurs and immediately observe the field. The study was conducted at
the University of Jember. The samples were students at the University of Jember 2009
dan 2010. The result showed that the average student at the University of Jember
have a high level of knowledge and only a few who have a low level of knowledge in
this category, most of Jember University students have a high level of attitude and
few have the attitude in the low category, the majority of students Jember University
has a high level of behavior and only a few students who have low levels of behavior
in this category, there is no relationship between knowledge of the behavior of safety
riding on Jember University students and there is no relationship between attitudes to
safety riding on the behavior of students at the University of Jember.
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2275]