Regarding the interview done with the eleventh grade English teacher of SMA
Negeri 3 Jember, it was found that most of students were not successful in grasping
idea presented in reading text. Some factors caused the failures that were they lack of
motivation and concentration on reading English text. Besides, the monotonous
activity made the students get bored in teaching and learning process especially in
reading. Being aware the importance of the students’ reading comprehension
achievement in reading comprehension, therefore, a classroom action research was
This classroom action research was intended to improve the grade XI
students’ reading comprehension achievement by using DART method. The students
of class IPA 1 at SMA Negeri 3 Jember was chosen as the subjects due to their
difficulties in comprehending the reading text. Their average score was the lowest
among four existing classes that was 63. It was below the standard score that used in
that school (65).
This classroom action research was done in cycles in which each cycle
covered the stages of planning, implementation, observation and evaluation, and
reflection. Then, each cycle was conducted in two meetings. The data about the
students’ reading comprehension achievement were collected through reading
comprehension test done after the action in each cycle. Observation was used to
monitor the process of teaching reading through DART method and the students’
participation. The percentage of the students’ reading comprehension score in Cycle I was
67.57%. Further, there were 25 students of 37 students having reading comprehension
achievement score
≥ 65. It means that the targeted percentage 75% of the total
students obtaining the score at least ≥ 65 could not be achieved. Besides, based on the
classroom observation that was done in Cycle I, it was found that the students’
participation in teaching learning process of reading through DART method was
67.57%. So, the percentage of the students’ active participation in the process of
teaching reading through DART method less than the targeted percentage that was
75%. Therefore, the actions were proceeded to the second cycle by revising the way
of the students doing the activities from doing the DART activities in a time into
doing the DART activities one by one before moving to the next activities to make
the students more focus in doing each activity, so that they could concentrate on
reading the text to get the idea of the text using DART activities. Besides, the teacher
also gave clues to make them easier in doing the activities.
The percentage of the students who got
≥ 65 in reading test in Cycle II was
better (78.38%) than in Cycle I (67.57%). This percentage had fulfilled the targeted
percentage that 75% of the students had to achieve the standard score that was ≥ 65.
Besides, the students’ participation in reading comprehension teaching learning
process also improved from 67.57% in Cycle I up to 81.08% in Cycle II. Thus, the
percentage of students’ participation in the teaching and learning process of reading
through DART method had achieved the targeted percentage
≥ 75%. This means that
both the students reading comprehension test and the students’ participation in
reading comprehension teaching learning process through DART method improved
in Cycle II and fulfilled the target of this research.
Based on the results, it could be concluded that DART method can improve
the students’ reading comprehension achievement in two cycles. Then, it is suggested
to the English teacher to use DART method as an alternative method in teaching
reading comprehension, since it can increase the students’ reading comprehension