Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) sering digunakan sebagai penurun
demam. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa perasan temulawak dapat
menghambat pembentukan demam yang diinduksi oleh vaksin DPT. Rancangan
Penelitian yang digunakan adalah The Pre and Post Test Control Group Design.
Hewan coba yang dipakai adalah Rattus norvegicus strain Wistar, jantan, usia 2-3
bulan, 40 ekor dibagi secara acak menjadi 5 kelompok, yaitu perasan temulawak 1
mL/100 g BB; 0,5 mL/100 g BB; 0,25 mL/100 g BB; 0,125 mL/100 g BB dan
kelompok kontrol. Sebelum perlakuan, dilakukan pengukuran suhu awal.
Kemudian seluruh kelompok diinjeksikan vaksin DPT intramuskular 0,7 mL/100
g BB. Satu jam kemudian diukur suhu demam, setelah itu empat kelompok
perlakuan diberi perasan temulawak personde. Suhu rektal diukur tiap 30 menit
selama 3 jam, sehingga didapat suhu akhir. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan uji
T sampel berpasangan dan anova satu arah. Persentase penurunan suhu terhadap
suhu awal pada kelompok pertama adalah 32%; kelompok kedua 23%; kelompok
ketiga 21%; kelompok keempat 17%; kelompok kontrol -2%. Pada uji T sampel
berpasangan, perubahan suhu sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada 4 kelompok
perasan temulawak berbeda bermakna (p<0,05). Pada uji anova, perubahan suhu
antar kelompok berbeda bermakna (p=0,003) Kelompok kontrol berbeda secara
bermakna dengan kelompok satu (p=0,001) dan kelompok dua (p=0,030). Tetapi
antara kelompok satu, dua, tiga dan empat berbeda tidak bermakna (p>0,05).
Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa perasan temulawak dapat menghambat
pembentukan demam yang diinduksi oleh vaksin DPT.
Kata kunci: Curcuma xanthorrhiza, hambatan pembentukan demam
Curcuma xanthorrhiza common as antipyretic. This experimental was
conducted to prove squeezed Curcuma xanthorrhiza hindrance increasing rectal
temperature of Rattus norvegicus which vaccinated by DPT. The experimental
design was The Pre and Post Test Control Group Design. The objects were 40
wistar rats, male, 2-3 months old, they were devided into five experimental group,
the first group got 1mL/100 g squeezed Curcuma xanthorrhiza, the second group
got 0,5 mL/100 g, the third group got 0,25 mL/100 g, the fourth group got 0,125
mL/100 g and the fifth was control group. Rectal temperature was taken before
running all procedures. All group were injected by DPT vaccine intra muscular
0,7 mL/100 g. Rectal temperature was taken after 1 hour, first group until fourth
group were given by squeezed Curcuma xanthorrhiza personde. Rectal
temperature of rats was taken every 30 minutes in 3 hours, until last temperature.
Data were analyzed by paired T test and one way anova with the level of
significance at 5%. The percentage of decreasing rectal temperature at the first
group were 32%; second group were 23%; third group were 21%; the fourth
group were 17%; and control group were -2%. In the paired T test, change of
rectal temperature before and after experiment at first group until fourth group
were significant difference (p<0,05). In the anova test, there were significant
difference between the groups (p=0,003). Control group were significant
difference with first group (p=0,001) and second group (p=0,030). But the first,
second, third and fourth group were different not significantly (p>0,05). This
experimental proved that squeezed Curcuma xanthorrhiza could hindrance
increasing rectal temperature of Rattus norvegicus which vaccinated by DPT.