DETERMINAN PENGHENTIAN PENGGUNAAN IUD DI INDONESIA (Analisis Data Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia 2007)
Contraceptive discontinuation is the condition of women who had previously used
at least one of contraceptive method but discontinue using it. Indonesia is one of
the countries in the world that has increased the contraceptive discontinuation,
especially IUD. The risk factors of IUD discontinuation are vary. The aim of this
study was to analyze the determinants of IUD discontinuation in Indonesia. A
cross sectional study design was used in this study. Data of this study were based
on the results of IDHS 2007, with 706 samples. This research was analyzed using
univariable analysis, bivariable analysis using Chi-square, and multivariable
analysis using Logistic Regression with each significance level α=0,05.
Residence, religion, economic status, exposure to mass media, Family Planning
(FP) information, and follow up of FP didn’t have significant relationship with
IUD discontinuation. Age, parity, education, occupation, and FP discussion
between husband-wife had significant relationship with IUD discontinuation. The
factors that can be used to predict the IUD discontinuation were age, parity, and
education. BKKBN need a counseling program evaluation then the counseling
process that will be done by provider can be improved soon about FP
information, how to convey it, and the using of instrument in health promotion of
- UT-Faculty of Public Health [2276]