Teachers’ ability analysis of developing innovative instructional design
SUMARDI, Sumardi
MARJONO, Marjono
SURYA, Riza Afita
E MUFIDA, E Muffida
Show full item recordAbstract
Instructional design is a systematic procedure in practicing instructional activities. Developing instructional design is a complex series that require creativity,
activity, and components interaction. Considering globalization stream and immense
technology advance, educators need to improve their knowledges and abilities in
instructional design. Therefore, learning design should always be innovative,
adaptive, responsive towards era development and based on life skill. New
perspective understanding in developing instructional design requires smart ethique
in process. This research is qualitative study which examines lesson plans (RPP)
which were developed by educators in senior high schools (SMA) within Jember
district. The study aims to analyze innovation rate of teachers in instructional
activities through examining lesson plans being developed. Innovative lesson plan
indicators were adapted from “Measuring Innovation in Education 2019” by
Vincent-Lancrin et al, namely learning purposes, media, models, evaluation, and
content. Research results show that 90% history teachers has formulated innovative
learning purposes, 10% was considering lack of innovative. Learning materials that
have been developed 81.1% innovative, 18,9% was considered lack of innovative.
Learning models selected 68.8% have been facilitating students to be innovative,
while 31.2% has not meet innovative level. Learning media engaged provide
opportunities for students to express their innovative way and creativity is 57%,
while 43% has not accommodated students being innovative. For evaluation aspect
within lesson plan 47% has provided students to be innovative in reflecting their
knowledges, experiences, and skills, while 63% has not. This research will be
engaged as considering factor for reseachers in designing models and learning media
that innovative, adaptive, responsive based on life skill
- LSP-Conference Proceeding [1877]