Persepsi Pencegahan Penyakit Pada Keluarga Yang Memiliki Riwayat Keturunan Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2
Diabetes mellitus is one of the chronic diseases with a prevalence of
cases that continues to increase both globally and nationally. It is
necessary to prevent diabetes mellitus behavior in individuals at risk
based on the health belief model theory. This study aims to determine
the description of individual perceptions in families who have a profile
of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. This research is a quantitative d
study with cross sectional design with 120 respondents. Data was taken
using demographic data and DHBM (The Diabetes Health Belief
Measure) questionnaire. The results showed that the majority of
respondents had negative perceptions about diabetes mellitus, which
was 66.67%. This shows that more efforts need to be made by health
workers to improve the perception of these individuals, by often
providing information to the public about the behavior of preventing a
disease in order to maximize health prevention efforts.
- LSP-Jurnal Ilmiah Dosen [7356]