The English Teacher’s Written Corrective Feedback on the Students’ Writings in Vocational High School
Writing has become one of the fundamental skills that must be mastered
by the students. There are many strategies to overcome the students’ problems in
writing a text. The use of Written Corrective Feedback (WCF) may become one
of the strategies to overcome the students’ problems in writing. Teacher’s WCF,
namely comments, questions, or error correction given by the teacher in the
written form on students’ assignment (Mack, 2009). There are eight types of
Teacher’s WCF proposed by Ellis (2008). Those types are: (1) Direct WCF, (2)
Indirect WCF, (3) Metalinguistic WCF by Using Error Codes, (4) Metalinguistic
WCF by Using Explanation, (5) Focused WCF, (6) Unfocused WCF, (7)
Electronic Feedback, (8) Reformulation.
This study investigated the types of Teacher’s WCF given by the English
teacher to the students’ writing along with the most frequent type of feedback
given, the reason of the teacher in applying certain types of WCF, and the
contribution of the WCF given by the English teacher for the students. This study
used case study as the research design. The data were obtained from
documentation and interview. The researcher copied the students’ writing which
has received WCF from the teacher and categorized the types of written feedback
by using the theory of typology of WCF from Ellis (2008). Then, the researcher
did the interview with the English teacher in order to know the reason of the
teacher in applying certain types of WCF to the students’ writings. After that, the
researcher did interview with the students in order to know the contribution of
WCF given by the English teacher. The interview used Indonesian language and
was transcribed into English. The results of the interview were analyzed by using
thematic analysis proposed by Braun and Clarke (2006).
The results of the documentation revealed that the teacher used three types
of WCF to the students’ writings. They were Direct WCF, Unfocused WCF, and Electronic Feedback. In addition, Direct WCF was the most frequent type of WCF
given to the students’ writings. Based on the results of the interview, the teacher
stated that she gave Direct WCF to the students’ writings because this type of
WCF was understandable by the students. In providing Direct WCF, the teacher
pointed out the students’ errors and directly provided the correct form of the
errors. So, the students would not confuse to understand their mistakes that they
have made on their writings and revised it. The second type of WCF given by the
teacher is Unfocused WCF. The teacher gave correction to all the students’ errors
rather than focusing on just one or two types of errors because she wanted to
make the students understand about all their errors that they have made although it
was time consuming. The teacher also gave Electronic feedback to the students by
giving the comments through the website called Google Classroom. It was
because the teacher tried to keep giving feedback although they had to do the
online teaching and process in order to make the students understand about their
mistakes on their writings. Then, the results of the interview with the students
revealed that high and medium achieving students stated that WCF from their
teacher were beneficial for them in order to avoid the same mistakes in the future
while low achieving student tended did not pay attention to the feedback given,
therefore low achieving student did not get the benefit of the feedback itself.
- MT-Linguistic [66]